Chandra Pasma MPP, Ottawa West–Nepean

Government of Ontario

Support the Air Quality for Our Children Act

Good air quality in schools improves children’s health and well-being, reduces the spread of airborne infections, and boosts children’s test scores, yet the Ontario government has refused to set air quality standards or require any kind of measurement or reporting. We believe that children in Ontario deserve better. They deserve safe child care spaces and schools where they can learn in the best possible conditions.

That's why MPPs Chandra Pasma, Teresa Armstrong, Bhutila Karpoche have put forward a bill on air quality in schools and child care facilities, the Improving Air Quality for Our Children Act.

Add your name to support to Improving Air Quality for Our Children Act to establish a three-part plan to improve air quality in publicly-funded schools and licensed child care facilities:

  • Mandatory installation of CO2 monitors in all classrooms and congregate settings
  • Public reporting of average CO2 levels for the occupied hours of the room
  • Development of an Air Quality Action Plan with actions to be implemented when CO2 levels approach or exceed a maximum threshold.
695 signatures

Will you sign?